Thursday, August 23, 2007

Interview portion of the Exit Project

Students will choose an individual to interview for this portion of the Exit Project. The interviewee should be a relative or aclose family friend. Under no circumstances can the students interview themselves for this portion of the exit porject. Students will conduct the interview whith their relative/close family friend. This will allow the student the opportunity to complete the biography of the individual that they interviewed.

Acquiring any materials needed to complete the project

Students should write or contact family members, travel agencies or consulates in order to gain information, resources or pitures that will help to benefit the sudent in his attempt to complete the exit project.

Choosing a topic

The students will be required to choose a topic for their exit project on Immigration. Students will focus on their heritage in order to determine a specific ethnicity to research. Students who have more then one heritage backgound will have to make a choice as to which nation to research.